cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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Poetry de Joie

fluttering faery, dreaming words of spiderspun thread

a wonderful haven for words, ideas, and have stumbled upon my poetry collection, tell me what you think...

Don't forget that if you don't like the first few groups of words(they are not all poems) then keep reading, you may see something you love!

Here you will find poems, monologues, rhymes, and such...some by my own hand, some by others. Hope you enjoy!

Violantea-a character i play on a mush (roleplaying) game:


As though made from the very sunset itself, the elven maiden stands at 6 feet. Her stance suggests a playful curiosity instead of the rooted appearance given by so many. Even when standing still, she is a constant blur, a lilting shower of color and radiance. At a first glance, all one might see is a shock of red and a glimmer of green. Glowing red hair falls to her knees and, moving with her, seems almost alive and feline in nature. Each strand takes on a personality of its own as the wind delicately runs it gentle fingers through her mane. Her eyes, radiant and sparkling emeralds set in a face of moon-pale skin, catch each glimmer of the sun?ays. When darkness claims the land, her eyes seem to glow with the very light of the moon itself. They shine with the youth of a thousand years, but deep inside they are riddled with the experience of age. Lips of scarlet silkiness speak words of honey. Smooth and clear as the night sky, Violantea's voice sings like a song, even in normal speech. Masked by the shock of red hair, a deep blue robe encircles her slender body like the wind on a warm day. The long sleeves flair out at her tiny wrists and the skirt flows as water. Peeking out from underneath her skirt are two slender feet wrapped in two slender silver slippers. No ornaments cover this delicate elf save the mysterious silver gem inlaid on the front of her bodice.

Inner Beauty- think about the masks we all wear

interpretive dance

Faces smiling
Eyes shining
How do you know who you are
Behind the mask of happiness
You've bound to yourself
Underneath the glamour of your show
Your glitter and fake emotions
Given to the world
Your audience
To keep them going
Leading them on
To leave you alone
How do you know who you are
Maybe you don't care to find out
Don't want to know
When really you know it all too well
Inside is the one who is kind
Who is passionate about caring
And giving and longs to be loved
Truly loved
Who can and would give selflessly
To a greedy selfish world
You know that that side is dangerous
The one that brings true peace
Calms the chaos of the soul
How do you know who you are
November 24, 98

A sigh - comprised of various song lyrics

breathe in breathe out
days like this
i don't know what to do with myself
you only go around once on this big spinnin' planet of
i wander along the halls and i say to myself
nothing makes the darkness go
the world is gonna roll me
and if you complain once more
wherever you are you will carry always
truth of the scars
inside my skin there is a space
it twists and turns, it bleeds and aches
the heart of the house
people see me as a challenge
to you balance
your flirt finds me out
teases the crack in me
smittens me with hope
i'd go anywhere for you
anywhere you asked me to
but what i really wanna know is
are you gonna go my way
i love you when you dance, when you freestyle in
so pure such an expression
i've been down so long, oh, it can't be longer still...

the pleasures of youth

By Starlight~Smashing Pumpkins
such words that means something so wonderful...

by starlight i'll kiss you
and promise to be your one and only
i'll make you feel happy
and leave you lost in mine
and where will we go, what will we do
soon said i, will know
dead eyes, are you just like me?
and all along, we knew we'd carry on
just to belong
by starlight i know you
as lovely as a wish granted true
my life has been empty, my life has been untrue
does she really know, who i really am?
does she really know me at last
dead eyes, are you just like me?

Did Anyone Ever Tell You?
say what you think about someone to their face as soon as you can, as often as you can, you never know when it might be too late...

Did Anyone Ever Tell You,
Just How Special You Are?
The Light that You Emit
Might even Light a Star
Did Anyone Ever Tell You
How Important You Make Others Feel?
Somebody out there is Smiling
About Love that is so Real
Did Anyone Ever Tell You
Many Times, When They were Sad
Your Words made Them Smile a bit
In Fact It made Them Glad?
For the Time You Spend Sending Things
And Sharing whatever You Find
There are No Words to Thank You
But Somebody Thinks You're Fine
Did Anyone Ever Tell You
Just How Much They Love You?

The Mean Reds-a monologue for those who are afraid and don't know why

What do you do when you have the mean reds? Do you cry and moan, do you sit in your room...feeling every horrid heartbeat? I have the mean reds now, I worry and fret, the world seems to spin and flow in slow motion. Where did the floor go? I have no clue, but it sure as hell ain't beneath me! Things are scary and artificially lucid; I have a false sense of insecurity seeing the world how it really isn't. Like a tree in the center of a forest, fearing I would be the next to be chopped down, my heartbeat pounds, already shallow breath becomes yet more ragged. Where has the floor gone! I rock to and fro, a hot drop of liquid soul sliding down my cheek. How can I not panic! Its seems I have nothing left to hold to, nothing to grasp. Tiny Christmas tree lights enough, to show me out of this egregious waking nightmare. How metallic is a scream in a tin room!? Such is my heart in my chest! Stopped cold, clanking, rattling each beat with the echo of fear Tingeing my fingers, my laugh and lament with deep red heart-blood-cruel pinprick droplets of my life, love, passion, the mean reds have me in their grasp. Where is the floor!?

Untitled-burning in a scorched bedroom

a soul, all aflame

i feel myself burning
for you
in the back of a scorched bedroom
knees tucked in
i grasp myself like a child
arms about my waist
so tightly i hold myself
afraid to let go
nothing holds me back
from love's embrace
but myself
cowering in the corner
of that scorched bedroom
eyes burning heart churning
lift me up to face the day
how can i hold on now
to my insane sanity
so much hides within me
you've made it show itself
i can't go back now
yet i am still
cowering in a scorched bedroom
for you

Sleeping Diagnosis-written while watching dear friends snooze...

contemplating the stars

you can learn a lot by watching a person sleep. You
can completely change your opinion of them from
watching their (sometimes) motionless bodies as their
slumbering minds cavort unhindered through their own
versions of heaven (or hell). The expression written
there, in their lives and features, can tell you more
than an hour's conversation ever could. seeing the
lines of their form, maybe the muscles tensing an
relaxing in the hand or on the bare skin of the back.
to see someone like this, feels almost as if one is
invading the innermost privacy, to enter a room to
find a person completely nude. you desperately wish
to watch, but get an intense feeling of guilt, of
pleasureful guilt. They are like a child in the arms
of an adult. you want to rock them, to cradle them
gently in your arms, and to care for them as though
they were a part of you. you want to shield them and
protect them from the world they are presently so
vulnerable to. although stronger that you'd like to
know when awake, asleep they seem so helpless.
