cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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The Ghetto Room(Governer's School West)

For now this page will just include pictures and little statements. I hope to soon add more descriptions and features to explain the effects of governor's school!

Governor's School- I tried many times to sit and write out what Governor's School is...but the task in itself is so daunting. Basically it was/is a six week lapse of reality...time to pack your bags and go a college campus (one of two in north carolina) and live for six weeks. A place to step outside of yourself and into a world free of prejudices and judgements usually thrust upon young people and be the person you want to be. A place to make life-long friends that you never thought you would make. A place to discuss music, life, art, anything you want to wrap your mind around...a place to step outside the box of standards and look around it at the options given the few who learn how to grow outside of this box. A place to open your mind as well as your eyes...out of the box.

Welcome to the Ghetto Room, Room 211 Clewell Dormitory!

The Ghetto Room...the home of three to six people for a little more than half of the tenure of Governor's School West. In reality, it was the empty room across the hall from me in Clewell Dormitory. In whatever else (other than reality) it was a room for tears and fears, to come to relax and escape your roommate or to be with your friends. Here were games of crazy eight gone wrong, glow in the dark cockroaches battles, leg painting (and rinsing in the sink!), laughter about events of the days, revelations, complaints, fortune telling card games, and many little things that didn't make life livable, but added to the vivacity of the colors.

painted legs, the sign that you are entering the ghetto room!

this was the night the ghetto room was born. mandy, megan, and i all (i am still trying to figure out why....) painted each others legs. mandy had gotten her stage paints and we went to work, painting stuff on each other...we ended up in the empty room across the hall from mine, it was unlocked all the time. after we were done, we rinsed off in the sink and headed back to our rooms. it was a strange, hilarious night. i think in the picture, megan is on the left, i am in the middle, and mandy is on the right.


This is the famed megan...being silly. its the middle of the night,and she is writing something on the wall...i think it was numbnuts...


toesex. yes, you heard me. toesex. i think its self-explanatory, i hope this picture, which contains a graphic portayal of toesex, does not offend you.


This picture was really a picture of the dress, but megan smacking herself is so much more hilarious. its very megan.

the group of costumed people

there were crazy times (hah!) at governor's school the costume contest. To name a few of the people in this picture...far left, H.D.(king of swing for me), middle, in the light colored shirt, Colyn, he was way too much fun to dress up as a girl, he was really pretty, then jessica in the black dress (ho shorts!), and anthony in the blue mask...

the lineup

there are too many people in this picture to name, these are the finalists in the costume contest...about in the middle are clark kent and lois lane, they really look like them too! it was fantasmic fun.

friendly drew

well, that make your own judgement. drew was really a nice guy though.

ryan as beck

I didn't realize until two days ago that ryan is dressed as beck! that is more awesome that i originally realized. he was so hot in this outfit, ah!


Cassondra crashed in her closet on the phone with Colyn
before the Ball...Mandy took a picture after running up the the third floor and back down to the first floor!


Here they are, the night of the ball, and the midnight breakfast, not to mention the last night of Governor's School. Left to right, Rikki, Anthony, Mandy, Amanda, and Erin in the back. I miss these guys too much. This night was great!


Run to the Borders! Our weekly trips to the bookstore and little strip mall included a trip to the harris teeter. Mandy and i had to give this dragon a whirl. after we put in our quarter, it wouldn't move because we weighed too much. it was still great fun, mandy looks a little too happy!


For Anthony's birthday (a week before mine!) we took anthony to Mayberry's. This picture is the result of what happens when we tell anthony and mandy to get together for a was interesting.


Anthony has just told mandy that he loves her. Mandy's face is priceless.


Some of Gov School's male attendees...singing In the Still of the Night. It was beautiful!


A week before my birthday, my best friends there threw me a surprise birthday party. I went downstairs to the basement and saw all of the decorations. They just looked at me, and said, Happy Birthday! i bawled instantly! Here is a picture of amanda...the party balloons they blew up were so great, don't you think?


Ryan joined us in the basement for my party after a while. I talked him into a picture with the balloons...i wore that streamer all day.


Other people chose to battle with the funny balloons, here is Dragonboy, Ben, and i am not sure who that is on the right...*grin* what a party...


The last day, the last hour, the last time we were all together. Someone took this picture in the ghetto room...amanda, me, anthony, mandy...what can i say? I miss you guys, until i see you again, i always wake up to a gray sky morning...

More Wacky Out of the Box Antics