cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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More Wacky Out of the Box Antics

For now this is just more pictures...more exciting stuff is coming! If you have any gsw pics (that is, if you went) then let me know!

an open window...inviting

if you were looking up to a friend(or perhaps more than a friend)'s room...this is the view you would see. it was heart-warming to stand below someone's window and have them talk to was romantic in a way...*sigh*

feast your eyes...

Think Governor's School was all work and dorky guys? No way!


We had our quiet(well, maybe this is the wrong picture to use) types that liked to hide in the shadows...


Our not-so quiet ones (interesting...)


philosophers at work

The ones who were philosophers of people and comedy...

want some chips and some conversation?

Wanting good music and good conversation, and good chips.

which way did he go george?

the congregation

One thing is certain though...they tend to congregate, whether in groups of all male...



Or in co-ed groups of two or three or more... our guys were lots of fun!

the embrace

aaron cuddle

emma gibbs

Other interests in our surroundings were musical performances such as Rob Seals and The Emma Gibbs Band (shown in picture). At a small get together, we went and saw Emma Gibbs perform again, after Governor's School. It just wasn't the same.


closing day...the candles burned so brightly, reflecting in our tears...

The last day, at our closing ceremony, the chorus and dance combined. It was very dark, and the dancers walked in with candles. They each stood before a chorus member onstage while the chorus sung Ave Maria. It was the most beautiful sight in which my eyes and ears have ever in the presence of...I dare say there wasn't a dry eye in the audience. I think it defines the moment that I realized that we were leaving and not coming back. This would be the end of this wonderful place in the physical sense. It wasn't till much later that I realized that Governor's School doesn't ever end. It remains always in your mind...coming out in conversations, guiding your thoughts and decisions...the way you live and make friends and judge yourself and never ends.