cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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Life Statement

Joie Chapman


To live a fulfilling life that makes the best use of my skills, talents, and loves while maintaining the practice of my morals, values, hopes and dreams, and brightening the lives of others through teaching, music, and art.

Experiences and Goals

Governor's School West- Summer of 2000
I was first chair trumpet of the GSW orchestra. We played many pieces other orchestras would not play, much less attempt. It was a great experience, I learned much about music and its composition. We listened to composers such as Tan Dun and John Cage, even played a few pieces by composers such as these two.

Marching Band and All County Ensembles
3 consecutive years in marching band (14th, 7th, and 1st chair, section leader the last year)
All county two consecutive years(haven't auditioned yet)

Teaching Goal
To affect someone positively in the area of music.
A freshman: April, looks up to me, and makes me appreciate who i am every day. She has taken up residence in my heart, and i give her room in it willingly, her smile brightens any heavy mood. She tells me that i have influences her love of music and made her want to play because she loves to play, not because it was for class.