cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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My Pets

My furry friends

My pets play a big part in my life...they are almost like people in my family; their personalities shine out.

Angel, the odd cat

This cat was originally brought to us as a kitten for my sister. Since we got her, she has been very odd, not wanting to be held, but having very unique personality traits, such as dancing or appearing in the weirdest places. She loves to be petted, ONLY when she wants. She is a sweet cat...

a white cat, snuggled gently in a warm blanket

Micro, the wonder cat

Micro was originally just another cat...a tiny kitten from the pound. Little did we know she was very very sick and dying when we got her. We nursed her back to health, and she blossomed into a happy, very corpulant, kitty. Recently, we think her kidneys were not doing well, she turned a shade of yellow that is not healthy. She also lost too much weight. We put her on medicines and hoped she would recover. My parents wanted to put her to sleep, out of her misery(she was really suffering), but i believed the whole time she would make it. She did, and she is a very happy, but odd, cat...she likes me the best now..think she knows?

Marlena Dauschund (after Marlena Detrick)

Marlena is our miniture dauschund puppy my mother got this summer while i was at governor's school. She is cute, but she kinda smells and likes to get into everything...and chew. After a while it gets old...but no matter what, if you are sick, she will come and sleep next to your stomach to keep you warm and nothing is better than a warm puppy when you are sick. Silly little rat dog...

C.J. (Crystal Jewel, i was little when i named her...she is truly my cat)

CJ was born a farm cat, but grew up in my arms. She is a part of me as much as my fingers are a part of me. It surprises me sometimes, the way she seems to realize when i am upset or just need a purring cat. There can be nothing more soothing than a cat that loves purring for you alone.

A cat; Actual size=240 pixels wide