cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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Fave Links

On this page I'll include a list of links to other web sites that I enjoy. I may also include an explanation of what I like about the site.

My sister loves this site, and recommends it to anyone who loves a good story (or to write a good story):

Here is a link to a wonderful gsw mandy (i love you!):


This is an interesting site... i am not sure how to describe, then you can describe it for yourself:

The Grove/Praxis

Bill Chase was trumpet. If you haven't heard of him, or the late 60s band Chase, go to this link as fast as your modem will take you...and find out:

The Bill Chase Story

This is a neat band that you should check out, but they "dis-banded" a while ago. Still go check them out anyway, just cause I said.
