cotton candy dreams and the mean reds
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Welcome to a new world, mine! A world of cotton candy dreams and the mean reds...

Sign my guestbook! crazy people...i wanna see what kinda people come here! even if this is your 52nd trip here, sign it again, lemme know what you think this time! thanks!

in case you don't know what the mean reds is an excerpt from Breakfast At Tiffany's by Truman Capote(page 40): "Listen. You know those days when you've got the mean reds?" "Same as the blues?" "No...No, the blues are because you're getting too fat or maybe its been raining too long. You're sad, that's all. But the mean reds are horrible. You're afraid and you sweat like hell, but you don't know what you're afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don't know what it is. You've had that feeling?"

This is the place to find out about this swingin chica, whose "only constant is her unpredictability." My hopes, my dreams, yes, lucky you, even some of my poetry are here waiting for your anxious little minds to discover like so many honeybees upon a field of clover. There is much to uncover on this site, so sit down, take off your shoes (especially if they are muddy) and look through these worn pages, with the edges torn and the jelly stain along the side...

the sun sending up spires, as it retreats...still making a little foolishness with red

Please pause for the cause and sign my guestbook, lemme know what you think of this haven for dreams and fears and life! if you think something should be different, i am open to suggestions...if you would like, you can contact me through my email address...I love to get mail!

a trumpet, the bell spinning in musical motion with notes flying out like butterflies

If you have any boolikafooli majigalo (translation: neato) icons or animations, lemme know! this one is near and dear to my heart...they trumpet, the tool of expression for me!

Musical Note 1

Music can be such a fulfilling part of someone's life. It can save a life, begin a life, end a life, change a life...listening to music, being a part of it, or talking about how music affects you can influence who you are. Students listening to Beethoven before a test did better on the test that students who had not. Take the time to listen to music. TV, movies, radio(who'da thunk!), music is in the media all around. Next time you watch TV, listen to the music in the background. Notice in movies how the music makes everything so much more dramatic. Music is everywhere!

What's New? Lemme know! Sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page!

On this page, i might put an update letting all of you devoted joie fans know if i have added any to my page (i.e. pictures, new poems or monologues, new get the point)!

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a sunset, yellows, reds, and emotions streaked across an amber sky

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